Mobile Musings

January 23, 2007

SQL Mobile 2005 – Error: Not Enough Storage is Available

Filed under: .NET CF, SQL Mobile, Windows Mobile — John Huffman @ 3:24 pm

Here’s another in a long list of cryptic error messages. In this case I am developing a local database component for our SNAPRetail applications and on opening the database for the first time I get a SQLCEException with the message “Not enough storage is available to complete this operation”. Initially, I thought it was a problem with my database, but it is after a little searching I found a post ( on the Microsoft Technet forums that describes the problem as a “DLL Squeeze” and to open the connection to the database at the start of the appliation.

A little more research reveals that the DLLS that are being loaded are sqlceqp30.dll, sqlcese30.dll, sqlceer30en.dll, sqlceme30.dll which are the minium required for SQL Mobile to run.

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